Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Trick-or-treating is fun to read about even if it is January! Candy is candy at our house no matter the shape, color or season! Our participants are as follows: Winter-the world's sweetest clown, Violet-the world's shortest (and cutest) fairy, and an unidentified ninja with big sticks.
The Fairy trying to turn her mom into tootsie pop.
The Ninja revealing his deadliest move.
The Clown flashing her precious smile.
The Fairy unhappy with the pace strikes out on her own. Notice her height to hat ratio.

After making the rounds, we climbed in the car and headed east to Indianapolis. I told Asher and Winter that I trusted their wisdom on how much candy they should eat. The conversation that followed was hilarious as they shouldered their new found responsibility. I am proud to say that no one puked. Not bad for a four hour car ride and three gallons of candy. Violet just ate till she fell asleep.

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