Friday, May 8, 2009

Picture Takin'

Yearly, every "good" mom should get a perfect Easter photo. Right? Well...once in seven years I have snapped a good one (with a disposable camera). It happens the same way each dressed in their best, color-coordinated, spring fashions. fixed and bellies full without any disasters. After all that, you are late for church so you get the later-Honey look. SOOOO We wait till after church so the kids can roll on the floor, drink red cool-aid and chew on some part of their shirt. Now everyone is hungry again and tired of being dress-up. Picture Time!
This year we had potential...a good background, no snow, everyone could stand unassisted, no one's eyes were swollen shut(ash on his 2nd Easter)
After about four pictures, I told Jeff to go inside so he wouldn't start twitching. I finished up with that hope that maybe I got one. I then noticed I had my camera on the wrong setting :) blurry pictures. Oh well!

I am so thankful for the Gospel! Nothing about the first Easter seemed picture perfect, but everything was being made right.

I am so thankful for the Gospel! Nothing about the first Easter seemed picture perfect, but everything was being made right.

got my camera in focus

proof of my one good Easter photo

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