Monday, July 21, 2008

4th of July Party

If your kids are anything like ours, they are always full of ideas. Most of Asher and Winter's border on bazaar and illegal, but every once in a while they come up with one that you think...we can make that happen. Back in January, Asher started talking about a 4th of July Party. The concept grew and took shape. We talked about it over and over and over. We had to say no to a few things like hot chocolate and a huge fireworks display, but we narrowed it down to a bike parade and a marshmallow roast. We invited everyone on campus plus more friends to join us.Asher and Dad making some perfect roasting sticks. Winter rides off to join the parade.

As the grand marshal, Asher surveys the crowd.

I love the look on his face here. It says, "My Mom and Dad love me completely."

Enough reflection, "Charge!"

Violet is along for the ride as usual.

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